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Heart healthcare Supported Living aspires to offer high quality service to service users. We employ experienced staff that have been well trained.



We work with external partners in providing a suitable accomodation to suit your needs.



Referral process

Our partners will contact us with a referral for us to assess and determine if we can support depending on needs.

Quality Standard

We thrive on providing quality care for our ervice users. Our service is also regulated by CQC.

Service user


About Heart Healthcare Group

Heart Healthcare Group provides Supported Living Services for adults, aged 18–65 years old who are living with mental health conditions and learning disbalility; who require care and housing support, but do not need to be in inpatient care. At Heart Healthcare Group all service users have separate tenancy agreements and Service User care agreements. We recognise that people living with mental health conditions or learning difficulties can find it challenging to live alone, to manage day to day tasks and often, experience difficulty in finding and keeping a home.

We provide safe and effective care and support for people in their own homes, with their own tenancy agreements, to enable them to develop life skills and independence, as an important part of their recovery; along with access to services that enable those with mental health conditions or learning disability to live as independently as possible. ​Our service provides support for Service Users who are living in our community, who might be experiencing an escalation in symptoms to avoid hospitalisation and/or for Service Users leaving hospital who need support at home.



Awesome Service

We are Compassionate and we care.

Our Mission

We are committed to providing safe care and support to vulnerable people living with mental health related conditions or learning disability whilst working in partnership to promote vitality, well-being and independence.


Our Vision

To promote the independence of vulnerable people, to live as independently as possible in their own homes and the communities of their choice. We aspire to become a leading national provider of choice for health and social care services.

Our Aim

We aim to support people who are leaving hospital or living within our communities, who have enduring mental health conditions and learning disability and have an assessed need for requiring our support.


Health Promotion

We will support Service User to register with all local health services. This will be part of their living skills programme.Health promotion is also undertaken by our care staff, ensuring that each Service User has a better understanding of issues relating to their health care.



Heart Healthcare Group recognises that an allegation of abuse made against a member of staff or peers may be made for a variety of reasons. It is imperative that those dealing with an allegation maintain an open mind and that investigations are thorough.



Anti Bullying

Heart Healthcare Group has an Anti-Bullying policy, which should be read in conjunction with the Safeguarding Policy. The staff at Heart Healthcare Group are aware that bullying can take place when Service Users live together in their own homes. The forms of bullying that can take place are verbal teasing, physical threats or attacks, theft or destruction of property, isolation and racism.

Snr Support workers

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